Was an honour for Apex Martial Arts to host the first Girls in Gi event in Canada. Over 100 Girls In Gi's on the mats! Thank you to the Girls in Gi's Ambassadors and Organizers who brought up this terrific event from the United States. Special thanks to Sarah Kaufmann and Sofie Zambas for sharing their time and Jiu Jitsu knowledge with us. Saw some familiar faces and made many new friends. It's not everyday you will see this many women on the mats, was awesome experience to be a part of this event. Loving all the Girls in Gi's! Today marked a milestone for Apex Martial Arts, our 10 year Birthday Celebration!
It's hard to believe it has been 10 years since we opened our doors on September 8th 2008. Thank you to our members past and present for being part of our Apex family. Apex is a community and family, without all of you we would not exist. Special thank-you to those members who have been with us since the beginning at the 1st Apex on Shell & Alderbridge: Heather, Janice, Derek, DJ, Linda, Cliff, JP, Clement, Ken, Nairn & Max. |
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